1714867200 | 1646265600 - 1648684800
This event has already passed. Visit Northwestern Chicagoland Humanist Crew to find upcoming events.
WHEN: 03/03/2022 - 03/31/2022 WHERE: Lake County IL area
During March NCHC will be making meals for Lake County Haven, a local shelter that helps women and children experiencing homelessness. If you would like to participate from near or far please check out the link below. If you are not local and want to participate you can have something delivered from a local restaurant for the meal as well. There are two shelters (Hope and Renewal) and a few different meal options to provide for the shelter. If you sign up for a slot, drop a note in the event posts so we can see when we're all signed up for. https://lakecountyhaven.org/get.../volunteer/meal-donations/