Resist Putin’s Famine!


Vladmir Putin is using famine as a weapon of war. He hopes western nations will stop supporting Ukraine when they see millions threatened with starvation. Right now, Russian blockades and nationalistic export bans are causing extreme food crises, with the poorest countries faring worst.

One of these countries is Mali. There is literally no grain available in the country.

The Tandana Foundation—an exceptional three-time GO Humanity grantee—works in the region and is pleading for help with their emergency support efforts. And they have plans for a project that will make communities resilient against future shortages.

If they can reach their goal, they’ll provide short-term food relief while they expand village stock ponds to conserve more water during the rainy season. This water will then be used for livestock and to diversify into vegetable production.

“This new strategy gives a double benefit – a little bit of food relief in this time of crisis and improvement of the ponds for long-term water resources and food security,” says Anna Taft, Tandana’s Founding Director.

Each pond involves 5 villages, with 10 people from each village working on the expansion by hand. Each worker receives food enough to feed their villages for about a month.

If they hit their goal, they’ll make 4 more ponds to be expanded, and residents of 10 more villages will benefit from food relief during the crisis.

Call it a front in the resistance against Putin’s famine.

They have a donor who will match gifts dollar-for-dollar up to $2,800 — which means your donation goes twice as far!

It is easy to feel helpless as Russia destabilizes the world food supply. But this is something we can do about it. Please join us in taking action.
