1716076800 | 1669852800 - 1672444800
This event has already passed. Visit CAFE Food Rescue to find upcoming events.
WHEN: 12/01/2022 - 12/31/2022 WHERE: Summit County, Colorado
This month our collections were 3536 pounds. That makes our total for the year 32,525 pounds. A big chunk of this was from the fact that our main food pantry was closed the week between Christmas and New Years and asked us to distribute the milk, fruits and vegetables that would pass their sell by dates before they reopened. Our local backpack program was closed and the community dinners didn't want to handle the extra food. So, one of our board members made use of her social media to alert people to two free distributions at a neighborhood community center. In an hour on two evenings we distributed 1750 pounds of milk, mandarins, onions, grapefruit, carrots, and celery.