AFSC fights for immigrants’ human rights


AFSCBy Sarah Henry

Our current Challenge the Gap beneficiary, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), often takes an active role in leading the charge for immigration reform. AFSC is working to ensure that all immigrants are given appropriate rights and treated humanely, an ideal that fits well with this group’s Quaker roots.

AFSC’s immigration reform goals are founded in compassionate and humane objectives, ones that we believe humanists can ideologically identify with. The AFSC’s basic principles include, among others: protecting the labor rights of all workers, respecting the human and civil rights of immigrants, and making family reunification a top priority.

In order to make their goals the reality for American immigrants, AFSC is working in Washington DC with the US government, as well as working directly with immigrant and refugee communities all over the country. AFSC has written an information packet about their goals and the ways in which they can be achieved, called “A New Path,” which can be downloaded at their website.

You can keep up with AFSC on their website, their Facebook page, and their YouTube channel. Not yet an FBB member? Join our Humanist Giving program now to support this amazing group.