Roots and Wings International


raw-logoRoots and Wings International is this quarter’s Education beneficiary. We’re unlocking the Foundation Beyond Belief vault to bring back Roots and Wings as an Encore beneficiary — RWI was previously featured as the Q1 2011 beneficiary and received a $3,390 grant.

RWI is a small, effective charity providing educational opportunities for indigenous people in Guatemala. They begin their educational programming at the elementary level with an after-school elementary tutoring program focused on 5- to 11-year-olds. As kids grow up, RWI continues to provide educational programming with computer literacy programs at the Roots and Wings Learning Center. At the university level, RWI offers full-tuition scholarships to indigenous youth from families that earn $2 or less per day. All scholarship-receiving students are also the first members of their families to study past elementary school, and most come from coffee-growing, rural regions of Guatemala.

RWI works with Buywell Coffee in an effort to make sure that as many students as possible have the opportunity to earn an education.