Collaboration between beneficiaries leverages impact


While the grant awards Foundation Beyond Belief makes to our beneficiaries are the primary purpose in our Humanist Giving program; behind the scenes networking is also a goal between FBB and our beneficiaries, and in some cases, the collaboration leverages an additional impact along with our donation, continuing on like a ripple in a pond.

For example, ConTextos, our Q1 2015 Education beneficiary, has had a working relationship with EcoViva, our Q4 2015 Natural World beneficiary, in El Salvador since 2013. ConTextos worked with EcoViva's key local partner "Asociacion Mangle" to support schools and literacy programs in Jiquilisco and the Bajo Lempa, the geographic area where EcoViva works to strengthen environmental policy, rural development, and youth engagement. Last year marked a dramatic change for the organizations, according to Debra Gittler, ConTextos Executive Director, "[I]n 2015, since both receiving FBB funds, EcoViva and ConTextos have taken our partnership to the next level, working on strategic development plans to link our educational interventions and maximize impact. In the process of planning, we’ve been able to share alliances and partners, which has resulted in significant opportunities for both organizations."

Thanks to the increased capacity in both organizations, a major funder significantly increased its funding commitment, and in 2016 will double its previous funding to bring literacy programs to schools. Gittler states that FBB’s investment directly allowed ConTextos to increase capacity to engage additional donors and leverage impact.

While ConTextos had worked with EcoViva previously, their relationship with Starfish in Guatemala is a direct result of an introduction by our Human Giving Coordinator, AJ Chalom. Gittler says that she believes that the collaboration and openness between organizations was a huge bonus in funding and continues to pay off in other ways. "[B]eyond that, the introduction has created a permanent relationship directly between Starfish and ConTextos, allowing ConTextos to take our model into Guatemala."

Photo courtesy of Starfish In addition, Gittler says, "ConTextos would not have cultivated any of these relationships were not for FBB’s support, both in funds and in connections. By creating a cushion with funds to offset operational costs, FBB allows us to focus on programmatic interventions. By making key introductions, you’ve allowed us to grow our reach and programming to solve even bigger problems, reaching even more kids, teachers, communities and—in this case—countries. We are so deeply grateful to be part of the FBB portfolio and so look forward to more opportunities for collaboration."

It is nearly impossible to put a concrete value on what FBB's partnership with each of these organizations has been, but it clearly goes far beyond the amount of the grant they have received. FBB is proud to support the important work of ConTextos, EcoViva, and Starfish.We are thrilled that in addition to the generous funding provided by our donors, we can use our position to help facilitate improvement that helps expand the reach of these organizations.

Photos credit/ courtesy: Top: Photo courtesy of ConTextos, Middle: Photo credit: A. Kessler, Photo courtesy of EcoViva; Bottom: Photo courtesy of Starfish.