FBB proud to announce AHA partnership and racial justice volunteer opportunity
By AdministratorFoundation Beyond Belief (FBB) is excited to announce the American Humanist Association (AHA) as the first Beyond Belief Network National Partner. Beyond Belief Network is FBB’s collective of over 125 freethought organizations putting compassionate humanism into action through community volunteering and charitable fundraising. Many Beyond Belief Network organizations are affiliates of the American Humanist Association, and this new partnership between FBB and the AHA will further encourage and highlight humanist volunteerism throughout the United States.
In particular, the new partnership between FBB and the AHA seeks to emphasize the importance of humanist action on social justice issues. Together FBB and the AHA now call on all humanists to stand up for equality. Let’s create positive change and broadcast to the world that religious affiliation isn’t necessary for social justice activism. As we fight injustice, we will also work to normalize humanism in our society.
Read this piece by Sincere Kirabo, AHA’s social justice coordinator, about why Showing Up for Racial Justice is the Humanist Thing to Do.
One way humanists can immediately get involved is to stand in solidarity with the American Humanist Association, which is now an organizing partner of Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ), a national network organizing white people for racial justice. FBB invites BBN teams to talk to their members about signing up as SURJ volunteers or getting involved through local SURJ chapter outreach. Humanists can have an immediate impact by signing up to volunteer Saturday for the final day of the SURJ August Phone Bank. If you’re free from 12pm to 3 pm EST and you’ve got access to a phone and a computer with internet, you can help SURJ connect with people about racial justice work, build the coalition for social justice, recruit new volunteers to take action, and raise resources to support community organizing efforts led by people of color.
BBN groups need not be AHA affiliates to volunteer with SURJ and can sign up at the link above or reach out to Sincere Kirabo at skirabo@americanhumanists.org with questions. If you sign up as a volunteer or to help with the phone bank, be sure to include a note that you are volunteering as part of the AHA's affiliation with SURJ.