Kukuo medical project wrapping up, still in need of funding help


The medical project in Kukuo will be ending soon, probably within the month of May. The Humanist Action: Ghana wants to make sure that there are many benefits for locals who partner with them and with Songtaba to serve their communities. When asking the volunteers what types of skills would help them, many of the volunteers mentioned wanting guidance on securing employment. Several others also mentioned computer skills being a need.

Due to the runaway success of the medical screening project, plans are underway to expand the screenings to other communities, with these projects being led by some of the Kukuo Health Screening Volunteers, who will train and supervise volunteers from the other communities. Proper authorizations are still underway, and this project is far from a shoe-in, but just in case everything falls into place, the volunteers need to understand and be able to do the back-end secretarial and computer work of the project.

If one is going to bring a computer to Kukuo, one might as well make as much use of it as possible. Over the course of two weeks, the screeners met with Christian and Rebecca in teams of two. While Rebecca taught one screener how to do all of the organizing, double-checking, sorting, and computer work of the Health Screening Project, Christian worked with the other screener to create an email address, write a resume, understand and discuss their letter of recommendation, save these documents in their email accounts, and talk about what they did for the project and the skills that they have mastered. All of the volunteers did very well with this additional training, especially considering that many were touching a computer for the first time.

Since this training at the end of April, the Kukuo Health Screening Volunteers have been running every aspect of the project themselves, with Rebecca available to supervise, troubleshoot, and support. They check each other's screens for errors, sort and file all the screens during processing, maintain lists for future follow-up, and are working to create the digital and paper copies of the much-anticipated Kukuo Census. All the computer work is now done by the volunteers, who are starting to become a bit more comfortable with typing and using their email accounts. What was intimidating a few weeks ago is now becoming a more comfortable skill. Not only has the project been a resounding success, but the stretch goals are shaping up nicely as well.

Only one aspect is still giving the Humanist Action: Ghana some trouble. Although the Kukuo Health Screening Project is nearly complete, the funding is far from 100%. Progress has been made, but at present, funding stands at only 37%. Please help us to meet our funding goals so that we will be able to finish this project. The impact has been astounding thus far. Any donations or signal-boosting are greatly appreciated and every little bit helps so much. Thank you for your support throughout this very busy and productive project. If you'd like to help fund the medical records project please go here. To become a monthly donor to HA: Ghana, please go to our website here. As always, we appreciate your support.