Laptops needed for Humanist Action: Ghana


Do you have an old laptop sitting around collecting dust? Our Humanist Action: Ghana volunteers in Ghana can accomplish so much more with laptops. We would love to be able to send some with our US based volunteer leaving for Ghana this month. If you are interested in making a tax-deductible donation of a laptop to us, please email us at HA: to discuss the details. If you don't have one to donate, but would like to help, please share this post, or visit our Facebook page and share the post with your friends.

If you'd like to know more about the Humanist Action: Ghana, there are many ways to learn about the important work they do. You can follow the HA: Ghana Facebook page here, visit the website here, and sign up for the newsletter here. If you don't have an old laptop to donate but would like to support the HA: Ghana team, click here.