
schirmersThe end of the year is a time of tradition and reflection for many families, and Amy Schirmer and her husband Pete are no exceptions. Among their December traditions is a conscious moment of generosity and gratitude as they decide which charities to support with their year-end donations.

“It’s an overwhelming decision,” says Amy. “We get so many requests through the year from worthy causes. We want our funds to go to good causes, and to be put to good use rather than high overhead.”

In February of this year, Amy discovered Foundation Beyond Belief and signed up for a $250 monthly donation.

“I was interested in participating for two reasons,” she says. “First, I have learned about many worthy causes I never knew existed and now proudly support through FBB. So this December, we will have a list of causes from the archives that we can revisit and provide further contributions.”

“Secondly, the opportunity to establish a regular and convenient contribution means that our total charitable giving will most certainly increase this year.”

Amy considers herself and her family to be very fortunate and wants her son to learn the importance of giving back. “We both work, we are all healthy — we have such gratitude for all that we have,” she says. “It’s important to me that we do more to help others, help animals, help the environment. Keep up the good work, FBB!”