Spring Has Sprung: Seven ways to serve your community this season



The warm weather is beginning to take hold, the trees are blooming, and the birds are singing.  Spring is in full swing, and it’s an invigorating feeling! We’ve put together a list of seven ideas perfect for spring to get you out into your communities.

1. Go green for Earth Day. Serve the global community by being mindful of how your practices affect the environment. Earth Day this year falls on April 22 and there are lots of ways to help. Do maintenance on a nearby trail. Clean up a local park, lake, or beach. Several of our teams, such as Fayette Freethought Society, have adopted a stretch of highway that they clean regularly. Plant flowers or care for plant life that’s already there. Make a concerted effort to reduce your footprint, or do something to counteract it, such as planting a tree or advocating for environmental responsibility.

2. Run a charity race. Run? Walk? It doesn’t matter — sign up for a local 5k, 10k, or any other distance where the proceeds benefit a worthy cause. Get together a group of friends or family to walk or run with you.

3. Spring cleaning. Root through your house and find things you don’t want or need anymore, and take them to a local charity thrift store or find a local clothing or book drive. Remember not to donate junk—a good rule of thumb is that if it’s not in good enough condition to give to a family member or friend, it’s not good enough for charity, either. Donating your unwanted stuff is a win-win: you’ll feel great from getting rid of clutter and from knowing it will benefit others!

4. Walk a shelter dog. Visit your local animal shelter and show these needy animals some love. Dogs in shelters spend their days cooped up in cages or small pens, and they could always use some exercise, attention, and fresh air. While you’re there, be sure to spend some time with lonely cats or other animals, too!

5. Set up a lemonade stand or have a bake sale. A tried-and-true fundraising favorite, and especially perfect for kids! Choose your favorite charity and send them the proceeds. FBB’s beneficiaries are a great starting point! If you set up at a public place or business, be sure to seek appropriate permission first. Our team Fellowship of Freethought Dallas has a cool spin on this one—they bake cookies and bring them to the local police department!

6. Thank a volunteer. April 15th-21st is National Volunteer Week, the perfect time to thank someone in your life (including yourself!) who serves your community, and the perfect motivation to go out and volunteer some more! If you need some ideas, check out Volunteer Match for opportunities in your community.

7. Tell others. Whatever you choose to do, don’t do it alone! Recruit some friends or family members to join you, and encourage others to be active in their communities, too.

Have other ideas we didn’t cover? One of these strike your fancy? Tell us about it in the comments!

Happy Volunteering! 

Suzanne Nobles, Intern
Noelle George, Program Coordinator

Volunteers Beyond Belief
A Program of Foundation Beyond Belief
Visit the VBB page