1736640000 | 1681516800 - 1681516800
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WHEN: 04/15/2023@9:00am - 04/15/2023 11:30am WHERE: 1603 Greenwood St, Orlando, FL 32801
Let's get outside and help out locally! The CFFC is helping the City of Orlando with their annual Earth Day volunteering effort at Greenwood Cemetery. The City provides all tools, supplies, and knowledge on planting. They will guide volunteers throughout the event. Volunteers are needed to plant trees to replace those lost in recent storms. Other tasks may be included to help beautify the cemetery and nearby wetlands. The check in area is visible from the parking lot. We may be mulching or completing other tasks. Wear appropriate clothing for outdoor work including closed-toe shoes and bring gardening/work gloves if you have them. Arrive at 8:45, so we can check in and give you a CFFC shirt. When entering the property, a brick road and office building will be visible on the left. FOLLOW THE SIGNS FOR PARKING AND THEN WALK OVER TO SIGN IN BEHIND THE OFFICE BUILDING.** After the event, we will head out to lunch. 903 Mills Market is pretty close. If you are anywhere near Central Florida, we would love to see you! Check out our Facebook Events Page or Meetup Page to find an event near you. Come out and get to know your friendly neighborhood atheists!