Volunteer for Tree People for “Watts Tree Care”

1713398400 | 1629504000 - 1629504000
This event has already passed. Visit Atheists United to find upcoming events.
WHEN: 08/21/2021@8:30am - 08/21/2021 11:30am WHERE: Watts, CA
Come join TreePeople's South LA team and help restore our urban trees in Watts! Caring for trees that have already been planted and established increases shade, rainwater capture, cleanses water draining to the ocean, bolsters air quality, and mitigates the impact of climate change for Los Angeles County." TreePeople is also asking volunteers to follow public health guidelines, including face masks and physical distancing. They have to limit event attendance, so sign up early! TreePeople will send more information if you sign up and as the event gets closer. The location shown is just in the vicinity. The exact location will be in the email from TreePeople.