WGEP uses FBB support to empower and educate girls
By AdministratorWomen’s Global Education Project (WGEP) was our Education beneficiary for the third quarter of 2013. They shared this report on how WGEP will use the grant they received from FBB. FBB members donated $10,460 to WGEP last quarter.
Women’s Global Education Project (WGEP) would like to thank Foundation Beyond Belief for your generous support of our mission to fight global poverty by educating girls! WGEP works in remote, rural areas in Senegal and Kenya to expand access to education for marginalized girls and to increase awareness and community support for the importance of girls’ education.
Specifically, your support will help WGEP:
- Increase the number of girls receiving scholarships. Currently WGEP assists more than 700 girls with scholarships that cover tuition, supplies, tutoring, mentoring, and room and board.
- Strengthen partnerships and capacity of local community partners to keep our work community-led and community-focused. WGEP works with FEMME Plus in Senegal and Ntanira Na Mugambo Tharaka Women’s Welfare Project (TWWP) in Kenya, two outstanding, female-led organizations committed to educating and empowering women and girls in their communities.
Raise awareness and community support for educating girls. Through our community outreach programs, health education initiatives, and parent support and literacy programs, WGEP is working to positively change the environment for girls’ education in the communities we serve.
- Enlist the support of men and boys. WGEP believes that empowering girls means empowering entire families and communities, including men and boys. Through our community outreach programs—specifically strategies like our Young Men’s Peer-to-Peer Youth Educator Groups—WGEP works with men and boys to help ensure our impact for girls’ education is sustainable and wide-reaching.
- Eradicate female genital mutilation. WGEP’s Alternative Rite of Passage program, “Circumcision with Words,” helps girls, families, and communities say “No!” to FGM and keep girls in school instead of dropping out early to marry. This year, 260 girls are scheduled to participate and, for the first time ever, 40 boys!
Thank you for partnering with WGEP in this life-changing work!