Crochet Sleeping Mats – July


Volunteers crochet sleeping mats using plastic bags.

The grocery story bags are made into plarn (plastic yarn) and then crocheted into sturdy and water resistant sleeping mats that are very useful for people who have to sleep on the ground.

Bring your bags and your crochet hooks!

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This event has already passed. Visit Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix to find upcoming events.
WHEN: 07/10/2021@10:00am - 12:00pm WHERE: HSGP Humanist Community Center
It takes 500-700 plastic bags to complete a sleeping mat that measures 6 feet by 2.5 feet. The time it takes to compete one mat varies from person to person. Finished mats are available for giveaway to people experiencing homelessness. Serving humans in need! Recycling and helping the planet! Teaching and learning new skills! Seeing familiar faces! Making new friends!