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WHEN: 06/27/2021@11:00am - 1:00pm WHERE:
Pikes Peak Atheists hosted a creek cleanup event along their adopted segment of waterway in Colorado Springs. The Adopt-a-Waterway program is run by the City of Colorado Springs, and events are supported by the Trails and Open Spaces Coalition of Colorado. Event host brings supplies for all volunteers (trash bags, gloves, buckets, grabbers, etc.), ensures safety guidelines are reviewed, drinking water and a first aid kit is available, and that trash is deposited into dumpsters with permission. The volunteers collect any litter found in the waterway or along the nearby trail, and report large items or areas of concern (needles, broken glass, homeless camps, etc.) to the city for specialized assistance. We also act as Citizen Scientists to collect data via the Clean Swell and iNaturalist apps, which study types of waste found and the biodiversity of our waterways (respectively).