1716076800 | 1638662400 - 1639872000
This event has already passed. Visit Northwestern Chicagoland Humanist Crew to find upcoming events.
WHEN: 12/05/2021@8:00am - 12/19/2021 WHERE: Virtual
During December join NCHC in collecting/purchasing items from WINGS Program Holiday Wish Lists. WINGS Mission Statement- "The mission of WINGS Program, Inc. is to provide housing, integrated services, education and advocacy to end domestic violence." _________________________________________ To Purchase Direct from Amazon and have it ship to WINGS follow these links-- Safe House Wish List: https://smile.amazon.com/.../36LS3.../ref=smi_ext_lnk_lcl_cl Pantry Wish List: https://smile.amazon.com/.../3077M.../ref=smi_ext_lnk_lcl_cl Undergarment Wish List: https://smile.amazon.com/.../N3JWW.../ref=smi_ext_lnk_lcl_cl ___________________________________________ Other options for In-Kind Gift Donations: https://wingsprogram.com/in-kind-gift-donations/ ___________________________________________ If you purchase items please post in the group or let Rachael know so we can see our whole group impact at the end of the event. Thanks! See less