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This event has already passed. Visit Central New York Humanist Association to find upcoming events.
WHEN: 04/23/2022@9:00am - 11:00am WHERE: 451 Hiawatha Boulevard West Syracuse, NY
Join us to participate in OCRRA’s Earth Day Clean Up 2022 on Saturday, April 23rd. Everyone who joins us will get a CNYHA t-shirt! (sizes subject to availability) We will have bags for litter. Feel free to bring work gloves or litter grabbers if you have them. We’ll meet in the northwest corner of the Destiny USA parking lot on Solar Street at 9, near the Creekwalk. Map of where to meet: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1sR8xxTj5_tDHIDKQ5VtAs8tiFGWuv4pa&ll=43.065682291344274%2C-76.17038801706526&z=17