1714780800 | 1651190400 - 1651968000
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WHEN: 04/29/2022 - 05/08/2022 WHERE:
Secular Week of Action offers an alternative to the National Day of Prayer, a day set aside in federal law for the people of the United States to “turn to God in prayer.” A national day that calls for a specific religious practice as an expression of civic virtue rather than for a shared practice is divisive and discriminatory. Prayer is not an adequate response to national crises. Get off your knees and on your feet! Take action! Support our neighbors by contributing to our DIGITAL DONATION DRIVES! THREE THOUSAND TAMPONS Menstruation Does Not Stop Education. Period. Your donations will help us support Go With the Flow AZ. Check out the amazing work they are doing at gowiththeflowaz.org. Visit the HSGP website to help us donate $500 to this cause. https://hsgp.org/civicrm/?page=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/contribute/transact&reset=1&id=2 Select "Other Amount" and in "Contribution Note" include TAMPONS Secular Week of Action harnesses the secular movement’s commitment to making the world a better place by creating an opportunity to: organize service events based around shared values, connect new volunteers to impactful projects in their own towns and neighborhoods, and celebrate what human beings can achieve together when we dedicate ourselves to ethical action.