Distribution Event, February 11, 2023
By Joseph Shaw
1737504000 | 1676073600 -
This event has already passed. Visit Atheists Helping the Homeless DC–Helping People Without Homes to find upcoming events.
WHEN: 02/11/2023@9:00am -
WHERE: Progress Place, 8106 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring MD 20910
Hygiene Kits, canvas bags, lip balm, and gently used winter clothing were distributed to clients.
Six volunteers helped with the distribution.
One client showed us how she used reusable grocery bags that we had distributed earlier.
We distributed two types of heavy-duty canvas bags and multiple small tote bags.
One client showed us her jewelry.
About 30% of our clients were women, and over 25% appeared to be over 50 years of age.
We distributed nonperishable food in addition to our general Hygiene Kits.