Food Collection for Haven Homeless Shelter
October 22, 2022
Food Collection for Haven Homeless Shelter
Sat Oct 22nd 10:00am - 12:00pm - RAIN DATE: Saturday, October 29
East Buffalo Township Building, 589 Fairground Rd, Lewisburg, PA 17837, USA
On any given night in the U.S., some 550,000 people have nowhere to call home. The Valley community is uniting to support people experiencing homelessness and the organizations that serve them.
Our ethical action efforts include advocacy for those in our community who are experiencing homelessness. We accept Non-Perishable Boxed Items, Canned/Jar Foods, Spices & Herbs. All donations go to restock the emergency food pantry at Haven Ministry Homeless Shelter located in Sunbury.
Haven Ministry provides emergency shelter, nurturing, and advocacy for the people of Snyder, Union, and Northumberland Counties. The shelter, located in Sunbury, PA is run off of donations and they gladly accept any sealed, boxed, or canned foods. As well as, clothing or any other household item donations.
If you have any questions about this project please contact
Donation items that are always in need are:
First Aid and over the counter products (Tylenol, Cold Medicine, etc.)
Feminine Products
Non-perishable Food Items, Kid-Friendly Food Items (canned ravioli, etc.)
Bedding for Full and Twin sized beds
Cleaning Products
Clothing for all ages, new underwear and new socks