Atheists Helping the Homeless DC–Helping People Without Homes
Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
Team Since 06-24-2022Lifetime Hours Donated
The mission of Atheists Helping the Homeless DC (AHHDC) is to help people experiencing homelessness in Washington DC and nearby areas by making life easier. Our goals are to help our community, to give to those who wish to have our help, to learn, and to respect ourselves by respecting others. We are citizens. We want to help, to encourage, to guide, to learn, and to receive. We have ethics to guide us. We have moral compasses. We are your neighbors and family.
Imagine you live on the street, maybe you have a tent, or maybe not. Maybe you live out of your car or a shelter. You’ve got very little space and you might need to carry your belongings with you so they don’t get lost. You need items that you can carry with you throughout your day as you walk.
Our methods are straightforward. Through donations, we collect simple items that people experiencing homelessness might need, carryable materials. We distribute lightweight toiletries and small items (Hygiene Kits) for people who walk everywhere they go: nail clippers, nonperisable foods, feminine sanitary products, toothbrushes and toothpaste, small flashlights, deodorant, soap, and socks, etc. In winter we provide gloves, jackets, and pull-over hats. We also distribute nonperishable food.